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multiple nudge templates

We have had a few requests, both internally and from external clients, to be able to send different customised nudge (reminder) emails in courses, depending on when they are sent. For example if a participant hasn't completed their course after th...
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience 2 Unreviewed

Absorb Email Notifications / Report on users that were blacklisted on the system

Hello, We would need to get a regular report showing email addresses that were blacklisted on Absorb side (set on the suppression list) as sometime this is incorrect and we need the emails to be removed from the suppression list so that our users ...
5 months ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 5 Reviewed

Manager Experience - Generate/Export Reports

I would like to have an action option to export the data being viewed in the Manager Experience (such as the courses/status/priority from the learners view) an an excel or CSV file.
almost 2 years ago in Manager Experience 6 Reviewed

Customize color in sandbox

We would like ability to customize color of Sandbox Admin so we can easily see the difference between sandbox and prod. We have changed the name at the top but everything resets when we copy down. We want to easily avoid using one vs the other by ...
about 1 month ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Completed courses ribbon

Make ribbon on learner dashboard for completed courses (separate out pending and completed)
about 1 month ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Deleting a thumbnail at course level should NOT delete from File Manager

When in Edit Course and adding a thumbnail and you use Choose File , thumbnails that are Uploaded appear in the File Manager : Once in File Manager, this thumbnail is now available to be used over and over again for various courses. If you choose ...
10 months ago in Admin Experience 3 Unreviewed

Exit to LMS or Exiting Course buttons in Arituclate Storline 360 and RISE 360 saves progress/returns user to Absorb Learner Dashboard or Course Page

Articulate Rise 360 courses have a button feature called Exit Course (LMS Only). Currently, when the course is hosted on Absorb, and the user selects the button with that feature, the course will close, but reveal a grey box (the iframe containing...
almost 2 years ago in Learner Experience 3 Reviewed

Sync Salesforce Leads as a User

In the current salesforce connector we can only create absorb users from salesforce if they are a contact. We are not able to do this with a salesforce lead. So the only option is to convert them to a contact or manually make the user in Absorb
about 2 months ago in Salesforce 1 Reviewed

Internal Course Name and External Course Name

We would like to be able to have an internal course name which might include information relating to the year and an external facing course name that learners see. For us, we create annual compliance training but they have different release dates ...
5 months ago in Admin Experience / Core LMS 1 Unreviewed

Add a sent email log / report

When troubleshooting email delivery or simply verifying which emails were sent from Absorb, to whom, and when, there's no direct way to view this. Impersonating the learner and looking at their Messages will give an idea, but does not allow for tr...
9 months ago in Administrator Dashboards 3 Unreviewed