When and e-Learning needs to be renewed annually is there a way that the learner can get a nudge to say it is due. For an example 3 mths before it is due a notification goes out and the completed goes to due.
Have the option for users to see a course that they cannot enroll in until a competency is complete.
Have the option for users to see a course that they cannot enroll in until a competency is complete. Currently, if a competency is an enrollment rule the user cannot see the course. If they can see the course, they will know what it takes to gain ...
When there is a large number of options within the dropdown box of a Custom Field, we'd like to be able to search that list, rather than scroll through it. In A5 we could start typing a word and the system would bring us down to that section of th...
Different courses may need to be assigned to users based on the date they were added to a group. Right now, I have to manually assign them the appropriate course as there is not an enrollment rule based on date added to a group.
We are in need of a pivot table column or table column where we can show the % completion for each status type, including overdue. With the limitations on the functions, this is not currently possible.
Allow designers to share folders to viewers. We have a suite of dashboards that make sense to be broken up by requirement due to size but make sense to be organized in a single folder. By allowing sharing folders, we could create 4 distinct dashbo...
Course/Session approvals need some automation to follow up so they don't just sit there for months cause learners/leaders don't address them. Either an expiry/cancellation with notice to one or both the learner or supervisor or a reminder to the s...