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Password Reset Link - Option for dual absorb urls

If SSO is switched on but external customers are also allowed access to the LMS via a different url, the reset password / forgot password link in the generated email uses the default SSO url. Therefore customers can never reset passwords. Can a ne...
almost 2 years ago in Core LMS 2

Maritime Industry Courses for Tow Vessels

Create Maritime industry-specific training videos.
4 months ago in Curriculum 0

Workspace Management functionality

Workspace Management functionality will support the copy/transfer of Workspace content (Courses and Media Library) across different Absorb Create accounts. This functionality will support scenarios where Create accounts need to be merged in additi...
9 months ago in Create 0

Make Automatic Course Player Optional

It would be great to be able to turn off the Automatic Course Player for specific courses, or for the entire client portal. I don't love this format for all course types, especially ones that have a mix of PDF objects and eLearning modules. When c...
9 months ago in Learner Experience 0

A roadmap to make a "IsReviewer" field available to the API to set/get.

No description provided
about 1 year ago in RESTful API V1.5 0

Expand the Timeline for editing objects on screen

Right now, all you can see is one timeline with a dot to mark that an object is there. We request to expand this to allow the creator to see and edit the layers of objects on the slide, allowing them to: Identify which object is where on the timel...
over 1 year ago in Create 0

Duplicate Collaboration Build

Adding the option to duplicate a collaboration build would save us a lot of time due to having to recreate many of the same collaborations just for different groups of learners. We utilize this feature daily for the online and ILC course builds.
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Update security protocol on scheduled reports to match shared reports

Shared reports restrict the users ability to see only data within the Dept they are responsible for. This is exactly how is should work. However, scheduled reports will send whatever data the creator has access to. This is a security flaw and an a...
almost 2 years ago in Reporting 1

Require Session Selection upon ILC Re-Enrollment

It's really great the session selection is required for new ILC enrollments, however, we would like to see this same functionality on session re-enrollments. We have many team members who miss classes because they are not required to attend a sess...
about 1 year ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

Allow in-person ILC courses to remain active in the course menu but without the option to enroll.

We have off-site, in-person training where registration is conducted through a separate portal. We don't want our learners to "enroll" in our LMS portal, but we want the course listed and in the curriculum requirement for completion, We will uploa...
9 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 0