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110 VOTE

Ability to upload a file for mass enrollment

Not sure if this already exists but I don't see this when I'm enrolling a lot of users. Can we get a functionality where we can just simply upload a CSV (or any format suitable) file containing user details that makes mass enrollment to a course/c...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 20 Reviewed
109 VOTE

Observation Checklists on Mobile App

Please enable Observation Checklists on Mobile App This will improve on the job accessibility for workers in "hands-on" positions i.e. medical assistants, quick serve restaurant staff, mechanics, warehouse/logistics laborers
over 3 years ago in Mobile App 8 Reviewed
107 VOTE

Send evaluation link to learner

When a course evaluation is requested the learner still needs to go to the course and this often gets forgotten. Would be great if the learner would receive a notification after completing the online course or after the ILC session is over with a ...
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 8 Reviewed
103 VOTE

Automatic enroll when there is only one session in an ILC

Automatically enroll a user into a session when there is only one session for that ILC. Fewer clicks for the learner, please!
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 8 Reviewed

Hide expired ILC sessions

Hello, When enrolling learners onto ILC sessions, it brings up the whole list of past & future ILC sessions, which makes it difficult to find the right one. Can there be a way to hide the past sessions so we can only choose from future sessions?
over 2 years ago in Instructor Led Courses 2 Reviewed

Save Column Widths with Save Layout

When I run Reports, often there are some columns with lots of wasted space, and other columns that are cut short and have to wrap around. So, I manually resize the columns. Is it possible to save the column widths with Save Layout? Thanks,Rick
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 3 Reviewed

"Notify me" button to let learners know when new ILC sessions are added

Many of our ILC courses run only a few times a year. Currently, learners must return to the LMS to determine if new sessions have been added. Adding a "notify me" option to the course would be useful. The learner would receive an email notificatio...
over 1 year ago in Instructor Led Courses 4 Reviewed

Date Edited field should respond to Content Changes

Currently, if you modify any Learning Objects in an Online Course or Curriculum, the Date Edited field does NOT get updated. During an audit (such as ISO), it is very difficult to prove what Course version that a Learner has received, and it would...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Reviewed

Mark multiple different course enrollments complete at once

We would like to be able to go to enrollments under a specific user and mark multiple different courses complete at one time. This helps when cleaning up transcripts and also when the user proves proficiency in a topic and receives exemption.
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Reviewed

Add "Does Not Equal" in more filters

When creating a Rule in Groups. I can use the NOT function for Location, but I cannot use it for Worker type. Can you please add NOT functionality to all fields in writing Rules? (attached) Thanks,Rick
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 4 Reviewed