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View enrollments for set of people matching criteria

We would like to view all enrollments for a set of people (ex. they are all in the same location, same HR business unit, etc). We have to look by person but want to see any enrollment tied to anyone that meets "x" filtering criteria.
3 months ago in Admin Experience 3 Reviewed

Set coupon code to "used" when coupon transaction completed, not when coupon applied to cart

Right now a coupon code is considered used when the user enters it in the Coupon Code section of the shopping cart and applies it to their order. If the user does not complete the transaction, the coupon is still considered used. That means you co...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / eCommerce 1 Reviewed

Scalable points earned for leaderboards based on certain course performance metrics

We are looking to implement the leaderboards for our company in order to guage our top performing learners who really take initiative to learn. However, the problem we have with the current setup is that if the majority of our learners take the co...
over 3 years ago in Engage / Leaderboards / Reporting 3 Reviewed

Add API for Assessments

We would like to us an Absorb API to pull Assessment questions and answers into a BI Report (like MS Power BI). Currently, we must use the OTB Assessment reports and they do not visually meet our needs.
over 3 years ago in Reporting / RESTful API V1.5 2 Reviewed

Analyze Reporting Additional Data

We have added the LinkedIn Learning (LIL) import tool and connection from Absorb to LIL and are having issues telling who the courses are available to in the catalog. There are currently over 8k of the 20k worth of courses on LinkedIn and would li...
over 1 year ago in Analyze 1 Reviewed

Add "Last Synced:" date/time stamp to "Users" report

Clients could benefit from a "Last Synced:" date/time stamp on the "Users" report in Absorb LMS that indicates the last date/time a client's ADP/Bamboo/etc HR integration synced to Absorb to provide confidence that the service is still properly ru...
about 1 year ago in Integration 1 Reviewed

Enrollment button for curriculum is hard to find, move it or make it clear they need to enrol to both curriculum AND course

Today, the most common "help" request I get as admin is that users can't enroll in courses in a curriculum. The only reason for that is that they have not enrolled in the curriculum. If the enrollment button was more user-friendly (today it looks ...
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 4 Reviewed

Batch Print Certificates

Our admins often need to print or save certificates for safety or compliance courses to have on file or for their employees to retain a copy. The ability to complete this as a mass action would save a lot of time and headache.
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 2 Reviewed

Transaction Notifications

It is really important for us to respond quickly when someone conducts a transaction from our public catalog. The purchased gets immediate feedback in the form of a receipt and emails. But there doesn't seem to be a way to notify our sales and fin...
almost 3 years ago in eCommerce / Reporting 2 Reviewed

Automate Assignment of User Competencies via API

We're looking for the ability to automate the assignment of competencies to users via API. Currently, it is quite manual.
over 2 years ago in Integration / RESTful API V1.5 0 Reviewed