Nudge Supervisor After A Set Number of Nudges to Employee
It would be great to have the ability to set up a nudge to go to the supervisor only after the employee has had a specified number of nudges. This would basically escalate the nudge to the supervisor when the employee has not completed the trainin...
When team members are required to achieve continuous professional development points (cpd) or CLE points during a specific time period it would be great for them to go to the transcript screen and search by specific dates. That could be calendar y...
Observation Checklists | Visibility and Transfer Ownership
I'd like to see "In Progress" checklists in the reviewer experience, as well as see the reviewer who is working on it. Finally, I'd love the ability to administratively move the checklist from one reviewer to another, or allow a reviewer to reques...
Instead of "completed", notify learners that updates are available/ changes were made in previously completed courses
In software, the product can change frequently. This means we have existing courses that get updated from time to time with new content or changes. However, when we publish these changes, learners still see 100% completed for any course they previ...
Please enable Observation Checklists on Mobile App This will improve on the job accessibility for workers in "hands-on" positions i.e. medical assistants, quick serve restaurant staff, mechanics, warehouse/logistics laborers
Not sure if this already exists but I don't see this when I'm enrolling a lot of users. Can we get a functionality where we can just simply upload a CSV (or any format suitable) file containing user details that makes mass enrollment to a course/c...
When a course evaluation is requested the learner still needs to go to the course and this often gets forgotten. Would be great if the learner would receive a notification after completing the online course or after the ILC session is over with a ...
ILC Session: recurring dates should allow multiple days in one week or variable days month.
We have trainings that are held on a different days within a week or multiple varying days throughout the month. Staff are not able to get a calendar reminder to mark off the days as the system does not allow for this. WE currently have to just no...
As we evolve our learning programs, we need to ability to add curriculums within curriculums. This would allow us to give learners a choice in what they need to take for a single requirement. So for example, we have sales reps who need annual cont...
over 3 years ago
in Admin Experience
Low Probability of Delivery
The observation checklist is a great tool to document OJT and similar events. I wish there was a way to require an eSignature or similar review for employees to acknowledge the review they received before submitting. It would allow for better prot...