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Print or export the Checklist Summary Report

There is no way to print or export the Checklist Summary Report from the LMS (such as a PDF document).
over 1 year ago in Reporting 4 Reviewed

Bulk Import Supervisor Assignments

it would be helpful to have a way of automatically uploading the supervisor to the user's profile. The Employees at my company are constantly changing locations or we implement a supervisor rotation, so adjusting them manually is extremely time co...
over 1 year ago in Manager Experience 1 Reviewed

ILCs: option to add a physical AND a virtual venue to choose from

We have ILC sessions with participants present on site, but we also want to offer remote participants a way to join the same sessions. Therefore we think it makes sense to have the option to offer 2 different venues for the same ILC session; a phy...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 6 Reviewed

Add "instructor' data to tie to sessions in evaluation reports

In order to fully use Absorbs evaluation feature, we'd have to see reporting including those who are the facilitator attached to that session. Currently, I do not see that in Analyze, and the base portal reports can get you, facilitator, in the ac...
over 1 year ago in Analyze 2 Reviewed

Date Edited field should respond to Content Changes

Currently, if you modify any Learning Objects in an Online Course or Curriculum, the Date Edited field does NOT get updated. During an audit (such as ISO), it is very difficult to prove what Course version that a Learner has received, and it would...
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 3 Reviewed

Resources - ability to report

We would like the ability to be able to report on the usage and activity of the global resources as well as be able to add these to widgets in the dashboards. As learning nuggets and quick reference guides are becoming more important in learning d...
over 1 year ago in Reporting 4 Reviewed

Badge/Competency - Courses Associated

Using Badges/Competencies as a filter in the Catalog so learners can find courses associated with certain Badges/Competencies, while respecting the enrollment rules of courses. I know right now we have "Find related Courses" and it takes you to th...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 2 Reviewed

Report - Missing Competency

be able to run a report for users that have not obtained a particular competency.
almost 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Reviewed

Certificate Report to include external/uploaded certificates

The certifcate report does not include a filter for external training where the learner (or admin) has uploaded the certificate. It would be great if it can be added as a "Type" to complete the report.
almost 2 years ago in Reporting 3 Reviewed

Have a report that reviews all active curriculums for inactive courses

Have a report that reviews all active curriculums and lets an admin know of any inactive courses in a curriculum
almost 2 years ago in Reporting 1 Reviewed