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Observation Checklists | Visibility and Transfer Ownership

I'd like to see "In Progress" checklists in the reviewer experience, as well as see the reviewer who is working on it. Finally, I'd love the ability to administratively move the checklist from one reviewer to another, or allow a reviewer to request ownership of the review from the other reviewer when it has been held up.

We run a few observation checklists where the review is set to a group of people. While that works really well, we find it frustrating when one reviewer accidentally starts a review or does not finish the review. From the other reviewer's perspective, the employee must be complete, because their checklist is not displayed at all within the reviewer experience. An admin would need to go to the checklist activity to find which reviewer claimed that checklist. Similarly, we'd love to be able to transfer ownership of the review. As you know, only one review can work on a checklist, though that's not always practical for us.

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    • Guest
      Feb 21, 2025

      [sad] Lucio,Victoria@DDS reacted to your message:

    • Guest
      Jan 15, 2025

      This is a pretty basic and obvious need. We shouldn't have to wait for a quarterly update to receive this.

    • Guest
      Apr 10, 2024

      Learners' visibility of the rubric should be available ahead of their assessment/review date/time so they can train and prepare accordingly for this OJT assessment. Knowing exactly what they are being assessed/graded on... only fair.

    • Guest
      Feb 27, 2024

      This would be very beneficial for our business. We have multiple reviewers who will each work on a checklist throughout the process.

    • Guest
      Feb 9, 2024

      I also agree, this would be extremely helpful. Just had a situation yesterday where one reviewer opened the checklist, but couldn't actually do the review, so I had no ability to enter any of the information in that checklist. It was quite frustrating to not have a record of the review for the employee.

      We have 4 reviewers, and it does depend on who is working that day and has the ability to do the observation. If one opens it, and has to handle an emergency or walk-in customer, it leaves us up in the air since it can't be transferred.

      It would be extremely helpful to allow multiple reviewers to be able to access the checklist at the same time so I can train the reviewers what to do, or to allow them to add any of their own personal feedback.

      I hope this is more than under consideration and is actually being worked on for your next release!

    • Guest
      Jan 11, 2024

      This would be hugely beneficial for our business. Training completion takes multiple days/shifts and transferring ownership of observation checklists is one of the largest gaps in the Absorb LMS platform for us administering training effectively with as few pain points as possible for our training managers in location. Would be great if this were implemented sooner rather than later!

    • Guest
      Jan 5, 2024

      This functionality would be super helpful in our environment as well!

    • Guest
      Oct 16, 2023

      With a large workforce scheduled over multiple shifts, it would be extremely beneficial to have the flexibility of switching reviewers during our skill checks.

    • Guest
      Oct 6, 2023

      Our organization conducts face-to-face training and competency checks over a period of weeks. We use multiple trainers who will need to access the same Observation Checklist (Reviewer Experience) for an individual. We are currently considering other methods to meet our needs.

    • Guest
      Oct 5, 2023

      In a warehouse setting for onboarding and training purposes, we also would really appreciate this feature!

    • Guest
      Aug 1, 2023

      We really need this, i hope it is implement and soon.

    • Guest
      Feb 16, 2023


      Training may not be completed same day for one observation checklist. If we have to roster training to another trainer and they cant continue that observation then it is Absorb stopping us from being able to deliver the training - not our training resource and capability. -This system should not be a cause for training to be stopped, so this should be a priority to fix.

    • Guest
      Jun 8, 2022

      This one is critical for us. We use these checklist to track competencies for new hire onboarding. Due to scheduling and staff shortages, we cycle observers frequently. This creates a problem when trying to get accurate signoffs.

    • Guest
      Jun 8, 2022

      This is a huge one for us, we use observation checklists as an integral part of our hands on training requirements. We struggle with this frequently where a learner accidentally gets picked up by a reviewer from a different site. Since our reviewers travel we cant limit permissions or reviewer groups to a location and if they pick it up when not onsite it stalls the progress until it is remedied. unenrolling and re-enrolling on a large course with 14 lessons and observations isnt a workable solution.

    3 MERGED

    Multiple Reviewers to Review the Same Learner's Observation Checklist

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    about 1 month ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 0 Future Consideration