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Global Resources

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Enable/Disable toggle for Global Resources

In the global resources, it would be wonderful to have a toggle that would enable or disable that resource, similar to how you can enable or disable a course by using a toggle. This would be helpful when we need to make updates to a resource and w...
5 months ago in Admin Experience / Global Resources 2 Future Consideration

Bulk Edit Global Resources

Absorb just released the functionality to bulk edit online courses. This is great! Please also enable the functionality to bulk edit global resources. Modifying availability rules and moving categories is time consuming when we need to go one-by-o...
5 months ago in Admin Experience / Global Resources 1 Future Consideration

Global Resources availability in Mobile App

Our team out in the field has the need to reference Global Resources from the Mobile app.
almost 3 years ago in Global Resources / Mobile App 6 Currently Available

Add "Created by" filter to Global Resources

Challenge: We are unable to determine who created a Global Resource. Proposal: Add a "Created by" filter to Global Resources as we currently do for courses. Who needs this functionality?: Admins Our Industry: Food and beverage Impact: This update ...
9 months ago in Global Resources / Reporting 1 Future Consideration

Ability to add global resources as a course resource

Sometimes we have resources that we want attached to a course but they are also standalone resources. It would be nice to be able to add global resources to a course resource. It would eliminate some version control issues
over 3 years ago in Global Resources / Online Courses 3

Redirect to login page when a user navigates to a Global Resource link

At this time, when a user has a link to a global resource but they are not currently logged into Absorb, they receive a generic error page. It would be helpful to include a reminder that they must be logged in to access the content.
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Global Resources / Learner Experience 5 Gathering Interest

Add Admin Visibility Rules to Global Resources

This will limit the admin view of resources to only the admins overseeing a particular department and will enable admins of that same department to manage their own global resources. As an enterprise client we are not able to offer our clients the...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Global Resources 11 Future Consideration

URGENT: Ability to DISABLE download function for Global Resources

When videos are uploaded to global resources, users can DOWNLOAD them. We need this function disabled. As we are a medical device company, users should not have permission to download the videos as they can then save them and share them outside of...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Global Resources 6 Future Consideration

Adding a Global Resource to more than one Parent Category at a time.

My team and I are new to Absorb and just getting started with Global Resources. Wondering if it is currently possible to assign a Global Resource to more than one Parent Category at a time? We have several different Parent Categories but would lik...
over 1 year ago in Global Resources 1

Link global resources to course resources

Develop a single repository for resources and allow linking from courses to the global repository. that way there is only one file and we won't have to remember which courses have resources attached.
5 months ago in Global Resources / Online Courses 5 Gathering Interest