It would be useful to be able to send different session enrolment emails. We have a group of online instructor-led sessions, we want the url of each session to appear within the message text of the enrolment email. Currently the message text and s...
When creating a session in Instructor Led Courses, I often get an error that says there was an "unexpected error". This error often prevents me from publishing the session and oftentimes the course. I'm hoping you can change the error state messag...
If a trainee takes multiple sessions in one ILC, it would be great to be able to submit multiple evaluations, in the event that htey work with multiple different instructors/content
It would be great if I could create reports to share with groups that will dynamically adjust based upon the person's information. For Example, I'd like to create a report that shows ILC Sessions / Activities based upon who the instructor is, I'd ...
It would be very helpful if you could add photos to course descriptions and session descriptions by uploading a photo instead of having to have a web address. I would like it to work the same as it does for when you upload thumbnail or other photo...
Add information to ILC session - e.g. mark attandance
Option to add custom fields to ILC sessions -> mark attandance to have more information about the participants saved e.g. "was sick on Monday, but is set to completed" or "optional session 2"... -> more flexible organisation of participants ...
Add new post-enrolment rule: When learner selects their ILC session
I would like to reveal an Online Course only after a learner picks their session in their ILC. Two workarounds that don't quite fix the problem: Right now learners that meet a rule can see an ILC in the Featured Courses or Catalogue without enroll...
We need the calendar to have better functionality and to show useful information. If a calendar event can be edited using Google Calendar that syncs to the system, we can fix it ourselves.
Being able to sort by the start date instead of the options in the attached file is very beneficial. This will allow people to know which ILC courses are happening soon OR which are happening next month, in 6 months, 8 months from now, etc.
Provide more context and enhanced workflow management for ILCs – we offer ILC’s in multiple timezones, the local timezone that the course is created in isn’t apparent to the learner “(+4)” does not mean much to a learner when they are trying to si...