The ILC Absent feature needs to function the same as Fail
There are several threads here that all talk about ABSENT for ILCs and several improvements that need to be made to this feature to function properly for those that are providing ILC training and tracking attendance. Simply allowing ABSENT to func...
Having a widget on the admin dashboard with a list of courses where attendance has not yet been marked would be a great way to keep track of all the courses that haven't been signed off
Online Courses have the option to be linked with "equivalent" courses. Having this "not" set up for ILC sessions seems odd as it would definitely be something we would use!
Adding a re-enroll and cancel enrollment button to the manager experience. When enrolling learners in a course they have already done but the certificate has expired they get an "error" message.
Having certain courses available for certain departments is great, but when multiple departments share courses with regions using specific sessions it can be a little confusing for their admins to see everyone. Like we have self enrollment rules f...
While the Webhook for User Creation through Admin UI works as expected, when a user is created via enrollment key, the Webhook for User Creation, does not work. Can this please be added as a product enhancement. Thank you.
When an observation checklist is completed - can this please be emailed to a supervisor for review of what was pass/failed and the comments? This is essential to follow up on clients that have failed. Its doubling up the observers work if they hav...