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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit LMS-I-1216 "Absent" means "Fail" - "Absent" message trigger? or Mark as Fail If Toggle .

The ILC Absent feature needs to function the same as Fail

There are several threads here that all talk about ABSENT for ILCs and several improvements that need to be made to this feature to function properly for those that are providing ILC training and tracking attendance. Simply allowing ABSENT to function the same as FAIL would probably solve the issues.

1) When tracking attendance for an ILC, if toggled on the system does not have a mechanism for sending a automatic email/message to the learner and/or manager to notify them of the absence (or any other details that could be put in the message e.g. what to do now that you missed a class).

2) If you track a learner as ABSENT it marks them as COMPLETE. This is untrue!!! If you don't attend a class you haven't completed it. This toggle should track as 0% complete.

3) Allow a user to be able to re-enroll if they are absent from a course.

Related threads:

  • Guest
    Sep 27, 2024

    NEEDED 100000000%

    This would resolve so so many of our organizations trouble tickets submitted and admin time with workarounds like finagling fail email templates to read absent, or being forced to toggle on fail and use as an Absent alternative. This needs to be addressed ASAP.

  • Guest
    Sep 26, 2024

    Agree. I would also like to be able to mark them as absent but complete. Example: there was a coffee session with leadership, they didn't attend but they aren't going to make up the coffee chat time.