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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 21, 2021

Schedule an enrollment

Ability to schedule a user to be enrolled in a course/curriculum on a specified date/time.

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  • Guest
    Jul 26, 2024
    1. Need for Scheduled Enrollments:

    • What are the main reasons you need scheduled enrollment functionality?

      • We would like the ability to delay the enrollment of courses for a certain period of time or to a specific date. We have monthly training topics.

      • We work in manufacturing and do not want to pull employees off of the floor willy nilly. We want all training assignments made on the first of the month or the quarter so all manufacturing leaders can plan to have their employees complete the training in waves, which leads to higher levels of compliance.

    • Are there any specific scenarios or use cases that illustrate why this feature is important to you that you would be willing to share?

      • New Hires are enrolled in a list of Safety Courses. Tenured employees complete these courses on a monthly basis throughout the year. For example, Fire Extinguisher Safety may be completed during fire safety month but if an employee was hired the month prior, they'd have to complete the training twice.

      • Additionally, now based on the enrollment rules, New hires are assigned all of their new hire training a year after they were hired, versus it begin spread out. We do not want employees to have 30 hours of training the same month every year, we want them to have 2-3 hours of training per month.

      • The first year we launched the LMS, we thought the system was perfect because we had not encountered this flaw. Each month we entered people into the monthly training, knowing it would reappear a year later. We did not think about all the new hires that would have every single course assigned the same time the following year.

      • We actually had this functionality in our old LMS.

    1. Scheduling Requirements:

    • What level of flexibility do you need in setting up these schedules?

    • Would you require specific dates, recurring patterns, or other scheduling options?

      • We would like specific dates and delayed enrollments.

  • Guest
    Jul 24, 2024

    Just adding/reiterating to existing responses:

    1. Need for Scheduled Enrollments:

    • What are the main reasons you need scheduled enrollment functionality?

      • To allow an admin to pre-configure an automatic enrollment but not have it occur until a specific date. As others have noted, we have "Topics of the Month" which are enrollments that occur on the first of each month. Currently we have to configure but not activate until that day. We can have upwards of 50 curriculum enrolling on a given month, so having the ability to schedule enrollment on the 1st would save much admin time in activating all of them on the first available opportunity (which may be the 3rd of the month, for example).

    • Are there any specific scenarios or use cases that illustrate why this feature is important to you that you would be willing to share?

      • As identified above.

      • New Hires: everyone has a hire date, but it is not always the same date as the user gets added to the system (from a feede from our HRIS). While it may only be a couple days' difference, the enrollment and due period is off from what our licensing/accreditation standards expect (e.g., requirement is to be due 2 weeks from hire, but Absorb can only do 2 weeks from enrolled date).

    1. Scheduling Requirements:

    • What level of flexibility do you need in setting up these schedules?

      • As much as possible! Ideally we'd like the options of setting a start enrollment date as well as a start enrollment period (e.g., 1 week after "hire date" or start date of becoming a user in the system.

    • Would you require specific dates, recurring patterns, or other scheduling options?

      • Yes, see above. Specifically:

        • Specific Date: (8/1/24) as the scheduled enrollment start

        • Period of time: X weeks/days/months after hire date

        • From a selected date: enroll starting from a system field date - e.g., Date of Hire. This would mean that a user is enrolled through some rule AFTER the date of hire, but the enrollment should start ticking from the date of hire, not the date of enrollment (or the date of enrollment should be flagged as X date, rather than the date it is technically processed).

        • Recurring: the 1st day of a selected month, recurring every X period of time (e.g., 8/1, every year)*

          • This would be EXTREMELY valuable. Currently we have to create a new curriculum and course, every month of every year, manually. If we could create a yearly schedule (Curriculum A assigns every February 1st, Curriculum B assigns every March 1st, etc.) this would save TONS of time each year/month.

  • Guest
    Jul 23, 2024

    Hi Patryk,

    I���ll be happy to share some insights with you. It is nice to know that this is something you are working on.

    1. Need for Scheduled Enrollments:

    What are the main reasons you need scheduled enrollment functionality?

    The training we provide consists of Instructor-Led Courses. We use the same curriculum at various locations throughout the year, which we refer to as Sessions. There are approximately 13-16 sessions each year on different dates.

    The learner has to do some pre-course work but we don���t want them to see the pre-course lesson until 8 weeks prior to attending the scheduled session. Some learners may register in to Absorb in January but the session is not till August.

    Each session lasts for 3 days. On each day, the administrative staff enrols the students into the curriculum. This is done to ensure that the learners do not see the assessments before attending the specific day of the session.

    If I could schedule the enrolment for the learner or group based on the course, date, and time, it would eliminate the additional administrative task.

    Are there any specific scenarios or use cases that illustrate why this feature is important to you that you would be willing to share?


    A learner is enrolled to attend the ILC session in Ballarat VIC on the 27, 28 and 29th of August 2024.

    On the 27th of August at 9:00am as an administrator I enroll the student into the Day 1 curriculum. The next day again I manually enroll the student into Day 2 and then Day 3. We do this because we don���t want them to access the assessments prior to the day���s session but to complete it in classroom environment.

    2. Scheduling Requirements:

    What level of flexibility do you need in setting up these schedules?

    Course, Date, time, group, user, department.

    Would you require specific dates, recurring patterns, or other scheduling options?
    Yes, we would require specific dates and times.

    3. Any other Enrollment Rules comments/?

    You should also be able to remove a scheduled course. Add due dates.

    Kind Regards
    Marcia Pearson ��� NA Training Coordinator
    Nutrient Advantage
    8 South Road, Werribee Vic 3030
    M 0438 671 766


  • Guest
    Jul 15, 2024

    We would value from the ability to drip certain online and VILT to new team members based on where they are in their onboarding journey through the first year of employment.

  • Guest
    Jul 12, 2024


    1. Need for Scheduled Enrollments:

    What are the main reasons you need scheduled enrollment functionality?
    I frequently use the course for multiple users who will have different start dates. I am aware the course has a date where it can become active, but I would like more control over assigning courses to individual users based on individual need.

    Are there any specific scenarios or use cases that illustrate why this feature is important to you that you would be willing to share?
    For example, if I have a New Hire, I create the user ahead of their start date. I allow them to set up their password from that date, but I would not like them to start their new hire training until their official start date, as they are given a specified time frame to complete it. Currently I have to wait until the user's hire date to enroll them, where if the scheduling feature was available I could schedule the enrollment in the course to be on the date they begin employment.
    Another example would be that as an organization we coordinate weekly team meetings and issue weekly certification courses to keep our employees in compliance. I use the same course for several employees, but do phased releases (not all employees receive the course access at the same time). Here scheduling the enrollment would be beneficial, because I could prepare the courses ahead of time, and control the enrollment date based on groups of users.

    2. Scheduling Requirements:

    What level of flexibility do you need in setting up these schedules?
    Would you require specific dates, recurring patterns, or other scheduling options?
    Having these options would be beneficial to be able to manage several different scenarios where scheduling enrollments would be needed.

    3. Any other Enrollment Rules comments/?



    Sandra Rodriguez

    General Lines Agent
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    Insurance Nation
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  • Guest
    Jul 12, 2024

    In health care, there are certain regulatory training requirements that a new employee must complete on date of hire. The HRIS department often has employee data set up in the system well before an employee's actual start date. This triggers the enrollment of required courses, which are then overdue before the employee even officially starts with the organization. This does not contribute to a good first day experience or introduction to our online learning environment. Date of hire is a field that is in the LMS...but it doesn't seem like Absorb has figured out how to utilize this appropriately and give Admins the ability to create dynamic rules utilizing the data in the fields.

  • Guest
    Jul 12, 2024

    I echo a lot of what is being said. Here are my thoughts:

    • What are the main reasons you need scheduled enrollment functionality? Due to the way that automated enrollments are currently set up, we need to enroll new hires in all of their courses on day one, which can cause confusion as to what needs to be completed. Our trainers have requested the ability (many times) to be able to hold off on certain enrollments, as they find that orientees are skipping ahead in their assigned self-paced learning before they have the opportunity to teach the same content in live sessions. We also manage travel nurse enrollments, who only need to complete their courses once per year. Having a scheduled enrollment function would be super helpful for this use case. Another use case is our quarterly annual enrollments - I have to manually enroll people on a certain date, rather than being able to schedule an enrollment. This takes a lot of time, and a scheduled enrollment would help solve for this.

    • Are there any specific scenarios or use cases that illustrate why this feature is important to you that you would be willing to share? Mentioned above - orientation, annual quarterly all-employee course enrollments, and travel nurse enrollments

    • What level of flexibility do you need in setting up these schedules? I would need the ability to schedule enrollments using BOTH the time from enrollment (e.g. 90 days from hire) and specific date (e.g. 7/12/2024) functionalities.

    • Would you require specific dates, recurring patterns, or other scheduling options? Honestly, all of these options would be great.

    Thanks for considering this functionality! It would be a HUGE help.

  • Guest
    Jul 12, 2024

    We are a small organization and the need to schedule enrollments is important if there is a lack of coverage and the admin that normally does this has planned time out of the office. These enrollments would need to be affective on a specific date (not recurring).

  • Guest
    Jul 11, 2024

    My organization has about 275 different curriculums that need to enroll the first of every month to different enrollments (around 25 a month). Some has to manually turn them all on the first of every month. It would be helpful to schedule them to become active when setting them up instead of having to go back in to manually activate them.

  • Guest
    Jul 11, 2024

    Echoing a lot of the same:

    New hires. When our new learners are added to the system, it can be 1-2 weeks prior to their actual start date due to data sync with our HRIS. This triggers a lot of auto enrollments, some that have deadlines associated with them. So by the time a learner gets access, they area 14 days or so into their allotted time to complete a mandatory course. It also reduces confusion/anxiety as the learner won't feel like they are already behind based on enrollment notification and reminder emails being sent.

  • Guest
    Jul 11, 2024

    LearnPort Use Case Additional Comment

    We feel it is important to add this comment as well regarding enrollment functionality in the Absorb LMS. This comment is from my LMS Team Leader. We continue to bring up this subject and it falls on deaf ears.

    1. Add a Class – The previous version of the Admin side of the LMS had the Add a Class functionality, which is very important in that it allowed our 150 admin personnel to enroll personnel into a multi-day course with a single enrollment as well as marking attendance in a single function versus multiple enrollments and multiple attendance being marked. This functionality was previewed in the new Admin rollout and was then removed from our actual live update when we turned it on. Had we known this would occur, we may not have turned on the newest Admin version of the LMS. It is still a need from CDCR and CCHCS that this be re-installed into the LMS for our functionality and usage.

  • Guest
    Jul 11, 2024

    LearnPort / CDCR Use Case Comment

    Use Case

    1. Schedule an Enrollment – The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) currently has an annual requirement for enrollments as of Jan 1st of each calendar year; it would be preferred to have a process to allow a scheduled enrollment to ensure that any and all personnel in our Off Post Training Schedules are in fact enrolled into curricula and courses as scheduled. With over 60,000 users facilitating enrollments for this new process, it would be invaluable for CDCR moving forward. We also have additional enrollments such as Conflict of Interest (COI) filer enrollments, EEO-required courses with all personnel, as well as other enrollments that we can use to ensure exact dates of enrollments without human interaction.

  • Guest
    Jul 11, 2024

    Hi Patryk,

    A lot of the same scenarios apply to me as the responses already provided. Rolling coursework that requires Evaluation/Trainings to kick in x days after hire/added date. Launching a new training that doesn't necessarily have an availability window. Something I'd like to add would be re-enrolling annual requirements that need to be retaken January 1st of every year or July 1, no matter the length since completion.

    Scheduling Requirements: Please include multiple fields to be the trigger to be based off of: Date Hired/Date Added/Location/First Log in. I would like the scheduling to be similar to Post Enrollments, with fields that you can select based on your need.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Jul 11, 2024

    Thank you Patryk. These are our use cases:

    • Need for Scheduled Enrollments:

      1. New hires. If new hire profiles are created before the employee's start date, they may be automatically enrolled in training immediately. If we could schedule the enrollment to send automatically on or after their start date, it would be a huge help. This prevents inaccurate reporting, misaligned due dates, and managers receiving overdue emails before their employee has even started their first day.

      2. Launching training on a specific date in the future. For example, we know that we want to release training in a month. The course is loaded and ready to go, but we will need to return to the course to either set up automatic enrollments or activate the course if it is to be launched in the future. If the course is already configured, it should not take special attention on the day of to launch the course. A step up to this, would be the ability to schedule a start date for the enrollments, based on specific automatic enrollment rules. For example, Department 1's enrollments send in 1 week, Department 2's enrollments send in 2 weeks.

    • Flexibility

      1. This rule should be available to be applied for the first enrollment only, so that it can still adapt to the recurring enrollment rules if needed.

      2. Should be triggered based on conditions of other fields, most importantly, date fields. e.g After hire date, before hire date, on hire date.

      3. This should work alongside automatic enrollment conditions.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Jul 11, 2024

    The main reason for scheduled enrollment is to allow more flexibility when setting up automatic enrollments. Instead of having to wait until the day of to push the enrollment, we could get it setup and when we know the details and let it process the day it should rather than having to make a note, go in, set everything up, and then have the enrollment go. It'd also be great for assigning new hire training. We often have people added to our system a week or more before their actual start date and they're enrolled in training they may not touch for two weeks and by then it could be overdue. Having the option to schedule it for their date of hire rather than when they're added would be such a great thing.

    As much flexibility as possible for setting these up would be great. Specifically for my organization, having the option to use date of hire and more filter options, such as exclusion of certain departments or job titles, would be a huge time-saver and help overdue course numbers. Right now we need to be able to schedule for their date of hire and we also need to be able to say "enroll everyone except xyz department" to help with those who may do some in-person training instead.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Jul 11, 2024

    HI Patryk:

    Thanks for reaching out. The most important part of this for me is to be able to set up enrollments based on the hire date. We assign new employees a LOT of training and would like to space it out. Assign some courses right away, and other courses a few weeks later. In order for us to do that now we have to set it up as a post enrollment on a previous course. The course itself doesn't have this information, so it's hard to find and track. We would like an option for automatic enrollment to be based on a certain number of days after the date of hire. Please reach out if you need more information.

    Jane Barnes

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Jul 11, 2024

    I posted to the message board - I am replying as a formality.

    1. Need for Scheduled Enrollments:

    What are the main reasons you need scheduled enrollment functionality? It doesn't make sense that a training can be scheduled for the future and then appear on the dashboard for the learner same day. Example - if a training that is intended to be executed in the month of November and is enrolled in July (so the administrator can stay ahead of an annual training schedule) the learner should not see it on their dashboard in July when everyone is enrolled. The same should go with the automatic communications (enrollment). There should be an option for these to be scheduled to begin in a future date. In the example above, the enrollment communication should go out the day the training is scheduled to be executed (November). Most workers that are enrolled in these trainings are not savvy enough to receive enrollment communications months in advance of the scheduled training then remember when it opens, especially if it appears on their dashboard. As for the Absorb program administrators, providing this functionality will reduce the number of questions from the team about opening the training, why their dashboard is so cluttered and so forth. It will also allow the administrator to seamlessly roll out an annual training schedule.

    Are there any specific scenarios or use cases that illustrate why this feature is important to you that you would be willing to share? See the above answer. The idea for our use case is that we want to establish an annual calendar of learnings (curricula and courses) so we do not have to go in monthly, weekly, etc. to make adjustments.

    2. Scheduling Requirements:

    What level of flexibility do you need in setting up these schedules? It would be great to be able to schedule daily trainings. Our use case, and many others I have spoken with, have daily toolbox talks. We have not found an effective way within Absorb to schedule instructor lead trainings on a daily basis for our team members. We require all our supervisors to execute a training to start their day with one of these toolbox talks. They stand in front of their respective team, check off who is present and who is absent, then deliver the days training. We would love to see a solution to this issue.

    Would you require specific dates, recurring patterns, or other scheduling options? Providing the ability to access specific dates, recurring patterns, etc. would be extremely helpful to establish an effective annual training schedule. For our use case, the same trainings are rolled out annually, meaning, the training in January 2024 is the same curriculum/course(s) that will be rolled out in January 2025, 2026, and so on - obviously with minor adjustments.

    3. Any other Enrollment Rules comments/? One other area that would improve an annual training schedule is if Absorb can provide courses to close on a specific date (removing them from a learner's dashboard). This way, if a team member does not take the course in the prescribed time, it does not impact the group's/program's schedule. We have run into issues with this as currently our administrators must go in an inactivate curricula/courses at the end of each month so they do not continue to appear on our teams dashboards. Yes, this is a management issue that we need to get our arms around - meaning, team members not completing their trainings. However, if we were provided this functionality, we would be able to tell those who do not take the course to go in and access it themselves so it does not impact us during times of audits.


    Adam Wilk
    National Director of Safety and Compliance
    United Scrap Metal, Inc.
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  • Guest
    Jul 11, 2024
    1. Need for Scheduled Enrollments:

    What are the main reasons you need scheduled enrollment functionality? It doesn’t make sense that a training can be scheduled for the future and then appear on the dashboard for the learner same day. Example – if a training that is intended to be executed in the month of November and is enrolled in July (so the administrator can stay ahead of an annual training schedule) the learner should not see it on their dashboard in July when everyone is enrolled. The same should go with the automatic communications (enrollment). There should be an option for these to be scheduled to begin in a future date. In the example above, the enrollment communication should go out the day the training is scheduled to be executed (November). Most workers that are enrolled in these trainings are not savvy enough to receive enrollment communications months in advance of the scheduled training then remember when it opens, especially if it appears on their dashboard. As for the Absorb program administrators, providing this functionality will reduce the number of questions from the team about opening the training, why their dashboard is so cluttered and so forth. It will also allow the administrator to seamlessly roll out an annual training schedule.

    Are there any specific scenarios or use cases that illustrate why this feature is important to you that you would be willing to share? See the above answer. The idea for our use case is that we want to establish an annual calendar of learnings (curricula and courses) so we do not have to go in monthly, weekly, etc. to make adjustments.

    1. Scheduling Requirements:

    What level of flexibility do you need in setting up these schedules? It would be great to be able to schedule daily trainings. Our use case, and many others I have spoken with, have daily toolbox talks. We have not found an effective way within Absorb to schedule instructor lead trainings on a daily basis for our team members. We require all our supervisors to execute a training to start their day with one of these toolbox talks. They stand in front of their respective team, check off who is present and who is absent, then deliver the days training. We would love to see a solution to this issue.

    Would you require specific dates, recurring patterns, or other scheduling options? Providing the ability to access specific dates, recurring patterns, etc. would be extremely helpful to establish an effective annual training schedule. For our use case, the same trainings are rolled out annually, meaning, the training in January 2024 is the same curriculum/course(s) that will be rolled out in January 2025, 2026, and so on – obviously with minor adjustments.

    1. Any other Enrollment Rules comments/? One other area that would improve an annual training schedule is if Absorb can provide courses to close on a specific date (removing them from a learner’s dashboard). This way, if a team member does not take the course in the prescribed time, it does not impact the group’s/program’s schedule. We have run into issues with this as currently our administrators must go in an inactivate curricula/courses at the end of each month so they do not continue to appear on our teams dashboards. Yes, this is a management issue that we need to get our arms around – meaning, team members not completing their trainings. However, if we were provided this functionality, we would be able to tell those who do not take the course to go in and access it themselves so it does not impact us during times of audits.

  • Guest
    Jul 11, 2024

    1. Need for Scheduled Enrollments:

    • What are the main reasons you need scheduled enrollment functionality? We have a course that we'd like to have auto assigned 30 days after they've been added to the LMS.

    • Are there any specific scenarios or use cases that illustrate why this feature is important to you that you would be willing to share? The specific course is a harassment course mandated by law. We know for learning we sometimes need to spread things out until they need to know it. this feature would give us the ability to space out the learning.

    2. Scheduling Requirements:

    • What level of flexibility do you need in setting up these schedules? not sure what this is asking.

    • Would you require specific dates, recurring patterns, or other scheduling options? X days from ____.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Jul 11, 2024
    1. Need for Scheduled Enrollments:

    • What are the main reasons you need scheduled enrollment functionality?

      • I'd like to be able to schedule an "assignment" separate from the course itself. I may want to use the same course, but schedule an assignment to different groups at different times. For example, if someone has a need to take a compliance course due to an issue that has arisen. Or if one group needs a course in March, and another group needs it in July. Right now I'd have to duplicate the course.

    • Are there any specific scenarios or use cases that illustrate why this feature is important to you that you would be willing to share?

      • See above.

    1. Scheduling Requirements:

    • What level of flexibility do you need in setting up these schedules?

      • Date launched and date due to be completely customizable and separate from the course.

      • Days from certain markers, like hire date, or completion date of another course.

    • Would you require specific dates, recurring patterns, or other scheduling options?

      • Yes, all of the above. As much flexibility as possible.

    1. Any other Enrollment Rules comments/?

      1. My biggest request would be that assigning is separate from a course. The course should be able to live on it's own, and assignments be created on their own for any dates as needed. Right now, I have duplicated courses one for new hire, one for annual recurrence, one for ad-hoc. It creates so much redundancy in work.

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