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618 VOTE

Report on Multiple Courses in a Single Report

The ability to display multiple courses in reports such as the Course Activity Report would enable the following:-Reduce the number of reports which need to be created and stitched together-Quickly validate the status for multiple courses in a sin...
almost 3 years ago in Reporting 86 Currently Available
258 VOTE

Track which Admin enrolled the learner in a course

Currently, enrollment history is not retained by the system, except for the enrollment method. In the case of admin enrollments, it would be helpful to know which admin enrolled the user.
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 6 Currently Available
218 VOTE

View Group Membership for a User

The ability to view all of the groups that a Learner is a part of
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 17 Currently Available
129 VOTE

Add an Overdue Status

Please add an overdue status. This would make filtering as a whole so much easier!
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 17 Currently Available
149 VOTE

Supervisor Functionality

When someone is listed as a supervisor, we need the admin portal to automatically filter to their team. This is the primary complaint that we receive is on this topic. The current functionality only allows to filter the platform to the department....
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 20 Currently Available

Automatically complete attendance for instructor-led course based on Microsoft Teams attendance

It would be great if Absorb could talk to meeting hosting platforms such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom to know which users enrolled in a course actually attended the course. I have used other LMS platforms where within 24 hours of the instructor-led...
over 2 years ago in Integration / Reporting 4 Currently Available

Add "Not Enrolled" reporting option for curricula, courses, and sessions.

Currently, Analyze is only reporting on active enrollments. We would like to report on users who are not enrolled in a course. For example, if a user is enrolled in a curriculum, we would like to see the user's status of all courses within that cu...
over 2 years ago in Analyze 5 Currently Available

Change 'male/female' options to 'man/woman/non-binary' in the Gender field

"Male" and "female" describe sex, not gender. A field for Gender should reflect actual gender descriptors, such as "man", "woman", or "non-binary". Alternatively, if a business needs to know the biological sex of an employee for some reason, then ...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 3 Currently Available

Ability to view all Curricula attached to a Course

I suggest adding in a button/link in the course to show what curriculum(a) it is connected to.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 2 Currently Available

Ability for Viewers to Schedule Reports

The schedule report function is widely used for us Inform currently. This would be a great feature for Analyze so that their report is delivered to their inbox on a set schedule. Sometimes our field based admins are just not in a place where they ...
over 2 years ago in Analyze 2 Currently Available