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Suggestions for enhancements to New Teams ILC Integration

I was really excited to see that you added support to create venues and meeting links for ILC Sessions for Teams, but there are a few things that would make this integration even better. It would be better if the invite came as a "Teams Meeting" s...
over 3 years ago in Instructor Led Courses / Integration / Teams 13 Currently Available

Embed Zoom into the LMS

Having the user leave Absorb to participate in a Zoom webinar type of event creates a disruption to the user experience. It also eliminates the branding developed in the LMS by completely disconnecting the user from Absorb. Keeping the user experi...
about 2 years ago in Integration / Learner Experience 2 Low Probability of Delivery

Microsoft Teams Breakout Room Manager capabilitiy

In July, Microsoft released to Microsoft Teams the ability for meeting owners to designate attendees as presenter/managers of breakout rooms. Also released was the ability to pre-assign breakout rooms. When Absorb schedules an ILC session with MS ...
over 2 years ago in Integration 10 Currently Available

ILC Zoom Mark Attendance based on attendance of 75% more

Have the ability to only have learners marked as attended if they attended more thant 75% of the Zoom ILC session OR have the duration auto-populated in Absorb so we can untick those who attended less than 75%
over 1 year ago in Instructor Led Courses / Integration / Zoom 4 Under Consideration

Turn Manager toggle from API import

When importing users via API it would be very helpful to be able to turn on the manager experience with the import.
almost 2 years ago in RESTful API V1.5 9 Currently Available

Integration with HubSpot Tracking Code

As an organization, we would like to have the ability to integrate our HubSpot's tracking code into Absorb to better support our Marketing department. This code would allow our marketing team to track user's engagement in Absorb and give greater i...
3 months ago in Integration 0

Create API with Credly

This is useful so clients aren't forced to build their own API with the third-party, Credly. THis is used when users complete a course or curriculum in Absorb, it will automatically be pushed to Credly. Clients are forced to build their own API co...
about 2 years ago in Integration / RESTful API V1.5 / Webhooks 3 Currently Available

SMS Text Notifications

I would love to be able to send SMS notifications to learners. Maybe an optional field for them to enter their phone number and opt into notifications. Many of our learners who have low tech literacy may be more comfortable with text than email.
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Integration / Learner Experience 6 Low Probability of Delivery

Enhanced Bulk Enrollment and Completion Upload Capability

Enhanced bulk upload capability would be very useful for: Enrolling users in a course Marking users complete in a course
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses / Integration / Online Courses 5 Reviewed

ADP Integration: Add "Manager Position" field as a supported field to be mapped

We have many courses that are specifically for people managers. Today we have several Job Titles that use the word "Manager" yet these roles do not manage people, so we can't use Job Title for enrollment purposes in many cases. Mapping this "Manag...
almost 3 years ago in ADP / Integration 9 Under Consideration