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641 VOTE

Report on Multiple Courses in a Single Report

The ability to display multiple courses in reports such as the Course Activity Report would enable the following:-Reduce the number of reports which need to be created and stitched together-Quickly validate the status for multiple courses in a sin...
over 3 years ago in Reporting 87 Currently Available

Add "Does Not Equal" in more filters

When creating a Rule in Groups. I can use the NOT function for Location, but I cannot use it for Worker type. Can you please add NOT functionality to all fields in writing Rules? (attached) Thanks,Rick
11 months ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 4 Reviewed
267 VOTE

Track which Admin enrolled the learner in a course

Currently, enrollment history is not retained by the system, except for the enrollment method. In the case of admin enrollments, it would be helpful to know which admin enrolled the user.
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 6 Currently Available
224 VOTE

View Group Membership for a User

The ability to view all of the groups that a Learner is a part of
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 17 Currently Available

Group Reporting Funnel

Currently with out a “group” reporting funnel we are unable to run reports on specific groups. We cannot pull together “groups” of people on a jobsite together to run a report, or a TLP group report. This may be solved with AnalyzeBI.
3 months ago in Reporting 0 Unreviewed
182 VOTE

Organizational Structure/Hierarchy

It would be nice to be able to view an organizational chart to make sure all of your managers and departments are set up correctly. For instance being able to view an interactive tree diagram.
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 20 Currently Available
183 VOTE


We would like to see an option allowing us to assign multiple categories to courses. We created a "Greatest Hits" category, featuring it on our dashboard. The intent was to link existing courses to this "Greatest Hits" button on our dashboard. Unf...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 20 Reviewed

Curricula Activity Report - Multi-Course/Curricula Reporting

Thank you for making multiple courses available in the Course Activity Report. Is there a timetable for when the Curricula Activity Report will allow for multiple courses/curricula/titles within a single report as well? Thank you.
over 1 year ago in Reporting 7

Reporting on Multiple Users' Learning Over Set Period of Time

We need the ability to run just one report that shows all learning completed between two dates (eg. last month) for a specific set of users. Currently this functionality exists but it doesn't automatically show you what the courses/learning was th...
about 1 month ago in Reporting 0 Unreviewed
134 VOTE

Add an Overdue Status

Please add an overdue status. This would make filtering as a whole so much easier!
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 18 Currently Available