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Instructor Led Courses

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"Send to" Instructor

Requesting that we have the ability to toggle on the option to send emails to instructors for anything ILC related. We need our Instructors to be in the know regarding all aspects of their events. Currently there is the ability to Send to Admin an...
6 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

ILC Zoom Mark Attendance based on attendance of 75% more

Have the ability to only have learners marked as attended if they attended more thant 75% of the Zoom ILC session OR have the duration auto-populated in Absorb so we can untick those who attended less than 75%
over 1 year ago in Instructor Led Courses / Integration / Zoom 4 Under Consideration

Add the ability to have the form Generator be in Alphabetical order

Generator Form: Add the ability to have the form generator list the users in alphabetical order. Currently the users, are in random order, which makes it hard to have users find their names and sign-in. Especially when there is a class of 50 people.
10 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 5

Mass un-enroll from sessions

The challenge is Supervisors "un-enrolling" users from Course. Their intentions were to un-enroll from the selected "session" but did that later and deleted all transcripts of the session and unenrolled the user from the course completely. Our goa...
5 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 1

Don't delete Cancelled ILCs

Add a cancel option that doesn't remove enrollment data, but also sends out the cancel email to learners and instructors. However, keep the data for who signed up. That way, if the class is scheduled in the future, we can look back to who register...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses 7 Reviewed

Marking a course complete without the need to first "Enroll"

We utilize a lot of instructor led courses for training rather than online courses. I'd like to have an option to select a course for a individual in their transcript and simply mark it complete, rather than needing to first enroll them in a cours...
11 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

Receive a notification when a user deletes their enrollment to an ILC session

Currently there is no way of knowing when a user removes their enrollment to an ILC session. Users assume that the organizers gets some notification about this, but we don't, and there has been confusion many times about disappearing enrollments.
over 1 year ago in Instructor Led Courses 1

Enhanced Bulk Enrollment and Completion Upload Capability

Enhanced bulk upload capability would be very useful for: Enrolling users in a course Marking users complete in a course
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses / Integration / Online Courses 5 Reviewed

Prevent certain roles from marking complete without a session assigned.

Provide the ability for someone to Create Sessions and Enroll Learners without the ability to mark completed outside of the Mark Attendance feature, where a workshop is required. (i.e. Edit Enrollment, Edit Activity from the Transcript) Our instru...
about 1 month ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

Be able to see cancelled sessions by users

Hello!! Users being able to cancel sessions themselves is really helpful. But for ILCs with a single session, it can be difficult to figure out what happened to enrollments where no session is selected. Did we meet a cap and then expand it, but th...
5 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 0