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Assessment Activity report for multiple assessments

It would be very helpful to be able to export multiple assessments in one report. If you have a course with periodic knowledge checks as assessments, it would be great to not have to navigate to each assessment individually, then click "assessment...
6 months ago in Assessment Lessons 1 Unreviewed

Option to preview which users will be enrolled

Currently - when you make a change to enrollment rules the system will tell you how many users meet the rules, how many have an existing enrollment, and how many will receive a new enrollment. We would like the system to give us the option to dril...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 9 Low Probability of Delivery

Manager Experience should be available to System Admin

I have no direct reports but I'm the system admin for Absorb LMS for our organization. I'd like to have the option to access and view the Manager Experience from the Admin menu without having to impersonate one of our users who is a Manager.
almost 2 years ago in Manager Experience 0 Reviewed

Maintenance Connection - Have an interface with Labor calendar and outlook calendar

Have the option to tie the Labor calendar and outlook calendar for Maintenance Connection
24 days ago in Integration 0 Unreviewed

Admin ability to upload external certificates without impersonating the Learner

This will be handy and time as the admin can upload certificates sent to them and approve at the same time instead of first impersonating and then going back to the admin experience to approve the upload.
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Unreviewed

New File Manager: Upload multiple files

In the new file manager, we need to be able to upload multiple files at once. Several courses have multiple video files, and ideally we could upload all of the video files, and link accordingly. This was possible in the past iteration of the file ...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Admin Ability to Update Curricula Due Date on Individual Basis

At times there are circumstances that make it impossible for an individual to complete a curricula on time. It would be beneficial for Admins to be able to push out the due date for an individual.
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Curriculum 4 Reviewed

Option for Different Calendar Export File Types

Our company uses Outlook, so exporting a session calendar invite as an iCal (.ics) file causes all formatting done in the session description to be removed when adding to Outlook. This is a problem because we include all the extra Zoom dial in inf...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Reviewed

Bulk Enrollment for Specific Courses

An option to enroll all users in a specific course with efficient functionality.
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience 2 Unreviewed

Make it easier to enroll a learner in all courses in a curriculum

Currently learners are not automatically enrolled into courses that are within a curriculum. We have to add a non-delayed post enrollment to get the learner enrolled in the curriculum and the courses. There should be a radio button or select all t...
over 1 year ago in Curriculum 0 Unreviewed