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SMS Text Notifications

I would love to be able to send SMS notifications to learners. Maybe an optional field for them to enter their phone number and opt into notifications. Many of our learners who have low tech literacy may be more comfortable with text than email.
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Integration / Learner Experience 6 Low Probability of Delivery

Report Sharing in Analyze Essentials

We would like to see a report sharing functionality for Analyze Essentials implemented so that a "master" account can be marked and all other admins will automatically have the same reports in the master account when created. This feature is neces...
11 months ago in Analyze Essentials 6 Currently Available

More ways to earn Leaderboard points

Leaderboards need more ways to earn points and help build engagement within the LMS. We would love a way to add where and when learners earned points such as: Participating in Collaborations Commenting on News Articles Answering Polls
over 2 years ago in Engage / Leaderboards 1

Make the Lesson Details tab optional or ensure that completion score is accurately tracked for 3rd party courses

When you add a lesson to a course using 3rd party software (e.g. Articulate, Captivate, etc) and you have "Lesson Contains Assessment" toggled OFF, the Lesson Details tab in the course player continues to show "Score 0%" and "Remaining Attempts" f...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience / Third Party Lessons 3

One report to view all course evaluation

We have the default evalution questions linked to online courses and to ILCs. It would be great to have an option to generate a report for a certain time frame to view the feedback as we have a lot of courses and selecting the courses one by one i...
almost 3 years ago in Reporting 9 Reviewed

Include Inactive Users in "All Enrollment Data" Report

You should be able to pull enrollment data for Inactive users as a group and not have to do this individual. Sometimes we need to show training history for compliance or audit purposes and we need to show who was enrolled in courses during the yea...
6 months ago in Reporting 0

Have a report on all overdues

We need a way to view all overdue courses that can be sorted by courses, learners, departments, due dates, managers, etc. This will provide the status on all overdues for the entire company which we monitor regularly. Currently we can only pull ov...
about 2 years ago in Analyze / Analyze Essentials / Reporting 8 Reviewed

"Disable Seeking" on Videos Only When User Has Not Watched Once

Would like to disable seeking for users to ensure they watch videos entirely. Once a user has watched a video once they should then have the ability to scan through to review information easily.
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 8 Currently Available

Marking a course complete without the need to first "Enroll"

We utilize a lot of instructor led courses for training rather than online courses. I'd like to have an option to select a course for a individual in their transcript and simply mark it complete, rather than needing to first enroll them in a cours...
11 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

Add a password eye to LMS. Allow users to see what they typed in if needed.

For the learner experience, it would be great if they could see their password if needed. I typed my password in and it did not accept it. I wasn't sure if I typed it in wrong or if I used the wrong password. I would have liked to to see what I ty...
8 months ago in Learner Experience 1