After running a report to disenroll users from a course, in order to change their completion status to No, I needed to re-enroll the same users into the same course. I was able to select a group of users (all on the same page) and click Unenroll them to un-enroll them from the course. With the users still selected, the Re-enroll button was enabled.
However, when I tried to do this, the users were not re-enrolled into the course, even though I received the "Users re-enrolled" message.
Does Absorb allow you to re-enroll users in bulk? If not, can this button be disabled?
Thank you for sharing your idea with us! We’re happy to let you know that your suggestion has been implemented and is now available on our platform.
You can find this enhancement on the Course Enrollments page, where you can select one or multiple users to unenroll. While still on the same page, you can then click Re-enroll to quickly restore their enrollment in the course.
Your input played a valuable role in this improvement, and we truly appreciate your contribution. If you have any questions about this feature or additional suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!